We are unwrapping ourselves today from our six layers of thermals here in Norfolk. Last week we had lots and lots of snow.

Deadman out in the snow

Dead Men’s Spex shoffice a la snow
Luckily communications still carried on and our delivery drivers and postie still made it through the icy lanes to Dead Men’s Towers. We are always on the look out for glasses cases, we re-use vintage ones where possible but often have trouble finding cases to fit the bigger frames. On Saturday, we had some fabulous new cases arrive, the larger frames should fit in them and they are custom printed with our logo. It seems that last week there was definitely a black and white theme going on!
This week we have a bit more colour returning as the snow is beating a soggy retreat as the temperature is rising fast and so is the stream on our allotment!
Have a good week, we can now can get into our sheds without needing thermals, thigh high wellies and a shovel!
All the best Team Deadman